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French translation for "sada abe"

sada abe
Example Sentences:
1.He was interested in the story of Sada Abe, the prostitute who, in May 1936, strangled her lover then severed his penis.
Il commence à s'intéresser à l'histoire de Sada Abe, la prostituée qui, en mai 1936, étrangla son amant avant de lui couper le pénis.
2.Sada Abe killed her lover, Kichizo Ishida through strangulation while he was sleeping, after having experimented with erotic asphyxiation, in 1936, proceeding to cut off his penis and testicles and carry them around with her in her handbag for a number of days.
Sada Abe tua son amant, Kichizo Ishida, à l'aide d'une asphyxie érotique en 1936, puis lui coupa les testicules et les garda dans son sac à main pendant plusieurs jours.
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